
Saur News

Saur Glasgow Achieves Certifications for Safety, Quality & Environmental Standards

Saur Glasgow is celebrating the achievement of not one, but three ISO certifications, after a 2 day audit of the plant.

Tipped to be one of the first waste water plants in the UK, and certainly the only plant in Scotland to achieve three certifications, the Saur team at the Dalmuir Wastewater Treatment Plant has secured accreditation for

  • ISO 9001 (Quality)
  • ISO 14 001 (Environment)
  • ISO 45 001 (Safety)

Each of these certifications brings important benefits to the plant and the people who work there. ISO 45 001 for example is achieved by organisations who ‘are serious about improving employee safety, reducing workplace risks and creating better, safer working conditions’, while ISO 14 001 ensures the plant ‘leads the way in environmental efficiency savings’.

“These certifications were also achieved with ‘no non conformances’, said Franck Dutheil, Saur Glasgow Director. “To achieve any of these certification takes plenty of hard work. To achieve three is a huge accomplishment. We owe this to the tireless dedication of Karen Thompson, QHSE Manager and Paul Jones, CCMS Manager. Karen has worked long hours, never taken he eye off the ball and coached all the team here at Dalmuir to achieve these certifications. Together with Paul, they have achieved what few other organisations are able to do, and they have done it during the COVID 19 pandemic. I am extremely proud of them both, and of the whole team who have achieved this result with no non conformances. It’s a huge feat and the whole team should be delighted with the result and their work to attain it.

“It also underlines SAUR’s commitment to our on-going professionalism as we grow in the UK, France and further afield.”

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